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Honorary Senior Lecturer at De Montfort University
Medical Advisor to the University of Cambridge
PUBLICATIONS (Research Papers and Book Chapters):
Alexandroff A, Kirkham N, Nayak N. (2008) A painless, swollen finger (for 20 years). Lancet. 371: 1114.
Alexandroff AB, Perera N, Gothard P, Burova EP. (2008) Community acquired MRSA. Expert opinion. MIMS Dermatol. 4(N1): 14.
Alexandroff AB and Gawkrodger DJ. (2008) Update on Contact Dermatitis 2007: Medical pearls from the annual meeting of the British Contact Dermatitis Society at the annual meeting of the British Association of Dermatologists. J. Dermatol. Sci. 51: 220-3.
Alexandroff AB and Burova E. (2008) Whither... the future for contact dermatitis? – a report from the 2007 International Review of Current Problems in Contact Dermatitis. Br. J. Dermatol. 159: 1229-31.
Alexandroff AB and Milligan A. (2009) Minerva. BMJ 338: b852.
Alexandroff AB and Harman KE. (2009) Blistering Skin Disorders: An Evidence Based Update. Br. J. Dermatol. 160: 502-4. [within the 10 most highly accessed articles from the Br. J. Dermatol. in 2008-2009]
Alexandroff AB and Burd R. (2009) Footprints of the EADV: a meeting report from the 17th Congress of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology. Br J Dermatol. 160: 938-945.
Alexandroff AB, Da Forno PD, Johnston GA. (2009) Lack of significance of sentinel lymph node biopsy for the prognosis and management of the atypical Spitz tumor of uncertain biologic potential. Expert Rev. Dermatol. 4:215-217.
Alexandroff AB, Pauriah M, Camp RDR, Lang CC, Struthers AD, Armstrong DJ. (2009) More than skin deep - atherosclerosis as a systemic manifestation of psoriasis. Br. J. Dermatol. 161: 1-7.
Alexandroff AB and Johnston GA. (2009) Management of contact dermatitis. G. Ital. Dermatol. Venereol. 144:537-40.
Alexandroff AB and Burova E. (2009) The diagnosis of vulval intraepithelial neoplasia. MIMS Oncol. 3(N2): 26-27.
Alexandroff AB, Kinning E, Bamford M, Grzeschik KH, Milligan A, Camp RDR. (2009) Mild phenotypic expression of CHILD syndrome in two generations. Br. J. Dermatol. 161: 714-5.
Brennan E, Alexandrov A, Harman K. (2009) Diagnosis and management of orf: avoiding unnecessary treatment is important. MIMS Dermatol. 5(N1):52.
Novitskaya E, Alexandroff A, Burova EP. (2009) Diagnosis and management of eyelid tumours: rapid and accurate diagnosis is vital. MIMS Dermatol. 5(N2): 25-26.
Brennan E, Alexandroff AB, Harman K. (2009) Subungual exostosis: a rare diagnosis with characteristic clinical features. MIMS Dermatol. 5(N4):41.
Alexandroff AB, Johnston GA. (2010) The patient's journey: living with psoriasis - the doctors' perspective. Br J Gen Pract. 60:140-141.
Alexandroff AB and Graham-Brown RAC. (2010) Report from the 67th Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Dermatology. Br J Dermatol. 162:12-21.
Alexandroff AB, Flohr C, Johnston GA. (2010) Updates from the British Association of Dermatologists 89th Annual meeting, 7-10 July 2009, Glasgow, U.K. Br J Dermatol. 163: 27-37
Alexandroff AB and Burova E. (2010) Recent advances in urticaria and angiodema. MIMS Dermatol. 6(N1): 25-26.
Alexandroff AB, Nicholson S, Patel PM, Jackson AM. (2010) Recent advances in bacillus Calmette–Guerin immunotherapy in bladder cancer. Immunotherapy. 2: 551-560
Alexandroff AB and Harman KE. (2010) Urticaria: An Evidence Based Update. Br J Dermatol. 163:275-8.
Buruiana FE, Alexandroff AB, McKenna DJ. (2010) Pityriasis rosea in an elderly patient. MIMS Dermatol. 6 (N1):44.
Novitskaya ES, Alexandroff AB, Burova EP. (2010) Management of linear IgA dermatosis. MIMS Dermatol. 6 (N2):31-32.
Alexandroff AB and Burova E. (2010) The diagnosis of vulval intraepithelial neoplasia. MIMS Women's Health. 5 (N3): 33. [reprinted from MIMS Oncol. 2009]
Alexandroff AB, Pauriah M, Lang CC, Struthers AD, Armstrong DJ. (2011) Atherosclerosis as a systemic manifestation of psoriasis. [Editorial] CED. 36:451-2.
Alexandroff AB, Novitskaya ES, and Armstrong DJ. (2011) Psoriasis as a multisystem inflammatory disease. In: Advances in Medicine and Biology. Eds.: Berhardt, L.V., Vol. 6, Ch. 3, pp 103-25, Nova Science Publishers
Novitskaya EN, Dean SJ, Craig JP, Alexandroff AB. (2011) Current dilemmas and controversies in allergic contact dermatitis to ophthalmic medications. Clin Dermatol. 29:295-9.
Alexandroff AB and Armstrong DJ. (2011) Psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis and their link to other inflammatory processes, primarily atherosclerosis/ cardiovascular diseases and secondly ocular and renal comorbidities. Adv Psor Inflamm Skin Dis. 2:77-86.
O'Brennan E, Alexandroff AB, Hutchinson PE. (2011) Alopecia Areata- an alternative treatment approach with contact immunotherapy. MIMS Dermatol. 6 (4):42-43.
English J, Graham-Brown R, Chapman A, Alexandroff AB. (2011) Everyday clinical experience of alitretinoin in the treatment of severe chronic hand eczema: seven case studies. Clin Exp Dermatol. 2011;36 Suppl:1-2.
Alexandroff AB. (2011) Case study 7--A 39-year-old male IT worker with a 3 year history of chronic hand eczema. Clin Exp Dermatol. 2011;36 Suppl:13-4.
Crichlow SM, Alexandroff AB, Simpson RC, Saldanha G, Walker S, Harman KE. (2011) Is IgA ANCA a marker for patients with Erythema Elevatum Diutinum? A further three cases demonstrating this association. Br. J Dermatol. 164:675-7.
Alexandroff AB, Shpadaruk V, Bamford WM, Kennedy DBJ, Burd R, Dyer MJS. (2011) Alemtuzumab-resistant Sézary syndrome responding to zanolimumab. Br J Haematol. 154:419-21.
P De Mozzi, Graham-Brown RAC, Alexandroff AB (2011) A case of widespread hypertrophic scarring following chickenpox. Clin Exp Dermatol. 36:916-7.
Alexandroff AB and Burova E. (2011) The diagnosis of vulval intraepithelial neoplasia. MIMS Dermat. 7 (N2): 42-43. [reprinted from MIMS Oncol. 2009]
De Mozzi P, Johnston GA, Alexandroff AB. (2012) Psoriasis: an evidence-based update. Report of the 9th Evidenced Based Update Meeting, 12 May 2011, Loughborough, U.K. Br J Dermatol. 166:252-60.
De Mozzi P, Alexandroff AB, Johnston GA. (2012) Updates from the British Association of Dermatologists 91st annual meeting, 5-7 July 2011, London, U.K. Br J Dermatol. 267:252-60.
Alexandroff AB. (2012) Management of chronic actinic dermatitis. MIMS Dermatol. 8 (N3): 42-3.
Novitskaya E, Alexandroff A, Burova EP. (2012) Venous leg ulceration leading to eye loss. MIMS Dermatol. 8(N1): 41.
Alexandroff AB and Graham-Brown RA. (2013) Mycosis fungoides. A rare, serious variant of cutaneous lymphoma. MIMS Dermatol. 8 (N4): 19-23.
Panchal MR, Coope H, McKenna J, Alexandroff AB. (2014) Long-term safety of biologics in the treatment of Psoriasis. Psoriasis targets and therapy. 4: 1-9.
King T, McKenna J, Alexandroff AB. (2014) Alitretinoin for the treatment of severe hand eczema. Patient Preference and Adherence. 8:1629-34.
Ingram JR, Abbott R, GhazaviM, Alexandroff AB, McPhee M, Burton T, Clarke T (2014) The Hidradenitis Suppurativa Priority Setting Partnership. Br J Dermat. 171:1422-7.
Craven E, Alexandroff AB et al. (2014) A case of merkel cell carcinoma mistaken for allergic contact dermatitis. Minerva. BMJ, 2015;351:h4635
Tziotzios C, Petridis C, Dand N, Ainali C, Saklatvala JR, Pullabhatla V, Onoufriadis A, Pramanik R, Baudry D, Lee SH, Wood K, Liu L, Seegobin S, Michelotti GA, Lwin SM, Christou EAA, Curtis CJ, de Rinaldis E, Saxena A, Holmes S, Harries M, Palamaras I, Cunningham F, Parkins G, Kaur M, Farrant P, McDonagh A, Messenger A, Jones J, Jolliffe V, Ali I, Ardern-Jones M, Mitchell C, Burrows N, Atkar R, Banfield C, Alexandroff A, et al (2019) Genome-wide association study in frontal fibrosing alopecia identifies four susceptibility loci including HLA-B*07:02. Nat Commun. 2019;10:1150.
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